Technical Support

This pages provides some technical FAQ and troubleshooting suggestions for Legacy of the Elder Star.

My frame rate is bad (game is choppy, stuttering)

Screen resolution will have the biggest impact on older machines. Try setting a lower resolution in the settings page.

Some machines/displays also seem to be especially sensitive to vertical sync, so you might try turning that off in the settings page as well (note that this will reduce battery life if you're playing on a laptop).

I'm stuck in a bad display mode and can't recover

The game should automatically start up in full-screen at your current desktop resolution. You can change the resolution using the SETTINGS button in the main game shell. If your display mode gets totally borked and you can't even get that far, just press F10 at any time to switch to "safe mode" (640x480 windowed). From there you should be able to set a different mode that works better with your display.

I don't have a right mouse button

The X key behaves just like the right mouse button, so you can hold X and move the mouse to use your secondary weapon. To use your special ability, press the space bar.

I'm using a trackpad: how do I fire and move at the same time?

The Z key on the keyboard behaves just like the left mouse button would, so you can hold Z and move with the track pad to use your main weapon. The X key behaves just like the right mouse button, so you can hold X and move with the track pad to use your secondary weapon. To use your special ability, press the space bar.

My mouse is too slow (or too fast)

Just roll the mouse wheel to adjust the sensitivity on the fly. If you don't have a mouse wheel (or if that option has been disabled in the settings page) you can use the -/= keys on the top row of your keyboard instead. You can also adjust the mouse sensitivity directly in the settings page.

If the minimum sensitivity is still too high (or the maximum is still too low) submit a support request and let us know what OS you're playing on and if you're using any unusual software or hardware (e.g. a hardcore gaming mouse, third-party mouse drivers, etc.)

I keep accidentally changing my mouse sensitivity during gameplay

You can turn off "use mouse wheel for sensitivity" in the settings page. If you do, you can still use the -/= keys on the top row of your keyboard to adjust the sensitivity on the fly. We recommend turning this option OFF if you're using the Apple Magic Mouse or any trackpad which also simulates a scroll wheel. Those tend to have way too noisy of inputs and will result in spamming sensitivity messages to the HUD, which can be super annoying.

My mouse behaves erratically (cursor jumping around, generally unplayable)

We've seen this happen specifically when running the Linux build inside a virtual machine like VMWare. As far as we know, that's a VM issue, not a game issue. If you're running inside a virtual machine, try... not doing that (sorry).

I don't have any sound

This issue may occur for Linux users who do not have pulseaudio installed. This is a known Unity bug and a fix should be incoming in a future version of the engine. For now, the suggested workaround is simply to install pulseaudio.

Technical Support

This pages provides some technical FAQ and troubleshooting suggestions for Legacy of the Elder Star.

My frame rate is bad (game is choppy, stuttering)

Screen resolution will have the biggest impact on older machines. Try setting a lower resolution in the settings page.

Some machines/displays also seem to be especially sensitive to vertical sync, so you might try turning that off in the settings page as well (note that this will reduce battery life if you're playing on a laptop).

I'm stuck in a bad display mode and can't recover

The game should automatically start up in full-screen at your current desktop resolution. You can change the resolution using the SETTINGS button in the main game shell. If your display mode gets totally borked and you can't even get that far, just press F10 at any time to switch to "safe mode" (640x480 windowed). From there you should be able to set a different mode that works better with your display.

I don't have a right mouse button

The X key behaves just like the right mouse button, so you can hold X and move the mouse to use your secondary weapon. To use your special ability, press the space bar.

I'm using a trackpad: how do I fire and move at the same time?

The Z key on the keyboard behaves just like the left mouse button would, so you can hold Z and move with the track pad to use your main weapon. The X key behaves just like the right mouse button, so you can hold X and move with the track pad to use your secondary weapon. To use your special ability, press the space bar.

My mouse is too slow (or too fast)

Just roll the mouse wheel to adjust the sensitivity on the fly. If you don't have a mouse wheel (or if that option has been disabled in the settings page) you can use the -/= keys on the top row of your keyboard instead. You can also adjust the mouse sensitivity directly in the settings page.

If the minimum sensitivity is still too high (or the maximum is still too low) submit a support request and let us know what OS you're playing on and if you're using any unusual software or hardware (e.g. a hardcore gaming mouse, third-party mouse drivers, etc.)

I keep accidentally changing my mouse sensitivity during gameplay

You can turn off "use mouse wheel for sensitivity" in the settings page. If you do, you can still use the -/= keys on the top row of your keyboard to adjust the sensitivity on the fly. We recommend turning this option OFF if you're using the Apple Magic Mouse or any trackpad which also simulates a scroll wheel. Those tend to have way too noisy of inputs and will result in spamming sensitivity messages to the HUD, which can be super annoying.

My mouse behaves erratically (cursor jumping around, generally unplayable)

We've seen this happen specifically when running the Linux build inside a virtual machine like VMWare. As far as we know, that's a VM issue, not a game issue. If you're running inside a virtual machine, try... not doing that (sorry).

I don't have any sound

This issue may occur for Linux users who do not have pulseaudio installed. This is a known Unity bug and a fix should be incoming in a future version of the engine. For now, the suggested workaround is simply to install pulseaudio.